2020 Disasters | Corona and other natural disasters !
* Natural Disasters That Have Taken Place Around The World In 2020 !
* 2020 Natural Disasters Around The World !
2020 is and will be the most dangerous year in the history. People are having their tough time this year.The year 2020 is the year where people are living in fear around the world and has become the deadliest year to live in. Many such natural disasters have occurred around the world this year. These natural disasters have proved the real power of mother nature and will be proving it in the future.
Let's see some of the natural disasters around the world in 2020 that kept people in fear ! In this article, we will see the natural disasters occurred around the world in 2020..
1. Bushfires , Australia : 2019-20
The bushfires in Australia officially started to appear in October 2019 due to ongoing long time droughts around the country. After few months ,the bushfires began to spread fastly and widely. There was no hope of stopped it. During this period, the state of emergency was declared in Queensland and New South Wales in November. Later, all other states followed the same as the fire continued to spread widely. The approx damage that occurred is estimated around 18 million hectares burnt and over 9000 building's and home's were destroyed with approx 400 people died. The Australian bushfires is also known as the black summer and was declared as one the biggest natural disasters in the world.
2. Corona |China and whole world : 2019- 20
3. Swarms of locusts , Asia-India-Middle East : 2020
The locust attack is being called one of the worst pest attacks in approx 26 years. The sudden increase of locusts is said because of the continuous change in climate. They are migratory pests that can eat as much food as around more than 30000 people eat. They do not harm humans though. In India, many videos went viral of locusts attacking their fields and destroying it . They were spread fully in the Indian states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat , Punjab, Rajasthan , Haryana , Uttar Pradesh ,many more were effected by these pest attacks.
4. Forests fire , Uttarakhand, India : 2020
5. Assam floods , India : 2020
The Assam floods was one of the worst floods in India this year. This flood event also coincided with the ongoing covid-19 pandemic. Initially, the flooding started in May 2020 due to heavy rainfall. It nearly affected about 30000 people and destroying crop fields across 5 district's. Later, in October 2020 - the floods affected over 5 million people and claimed the lives of over 123 people. About 5474 villages were affected by these floods. Also many wildlife sanctuary, world heritage sites and national parks were very much affected due to the floods. Due to landslides during the floods, an additional of 23 deaths occurred. Many relief camps and refugee camps were built to rescue thousands of people.
6. Flash floods , Jakarta, Indonesia : 2020
Flash floods in Jakarta, Indonesia is also an worst natural disaster of 2020. The incident took place on 1 January 2020. The flood event took place in the capital city Jakarta and it's metropolitan areas. The reason for this event was because of excessive and heavy rainfall. Overnight, it dumped over 15 inches (400 millimetres) which caused the two rivers Cisadane and Ciliwung to overflow. Nearly over 66 people were killed due to these floods and approx 60000 were displaced in the flooded area since 2007.
Stay safe , Stay healthy !
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